How it Works
All members are asked to sign a Commitment Form and pledge to donate $100 to each selected charity. All eligible charities will be a 501(c)(3) organization serving Southwest Florida. National charities are eligible only if ALL donations stay in Southwest Florida.
Members bring a check to each meeting to be made payable to the selected charity. If unable to attend a meeting, the member agrees to deliver her charitable contribution to the 100+Women organization after the meeting. A mailing address will be provided to non-attending members for that purpose.
Members who are current in charity payments may submit the name of only one organization at each meeting. Three (3) charity names will be randomly selected. The member submitting the name of a charity must include her name, and if chosen, will make the presentation. If no member’s name is on the submission, another charity will be drawn.
Five minutes will be allotted for the presentation, followed by another 5 minutes for Q&A. Each 5-minute segment is timed and the speaker is expected to end their presentation when prompted.
Five minutes will be allotted for the presentation, followed by another 5 minutes for Q&A. Each 5-minute segment is timed and the speaker is expected to end their presentation when prompted.
If a member presents for a particular charity that is not chosen, she may submit the name of the same charity at a subsequent meeting. Once a charity is chosen and funded, that charity is eligible to be considered again after a period of three (3) years.
In the case of a two-way tie a second vote will be taken. In the event of another tie, one of the charities will be selected in a random draw.